Thursday 14 August 2014

Original Rejected Perfumes : REAL OR FAKE?

✿ Why Rejected? Why Rejected? Why Rejected Original Perfume? ✿

Facts that you should know about rejected perfume! Not all rejects are done in the factory plant itself but may also occur after sale.

*All rejected perfume that made by outside Malaysia are not coming with box. All box were made in Malaysia including the non rejected perfume. Rejected perfume which coming with box is fake!

* After shipping reject - After shipping reject is one of the common rejects for all products. This type of reject mostly only effect for the packaging box but not the bottle. So they will be return to the warehouse because people wont buy any defect items at the counters. Customers only demand for the perfect item even with the box. Thats why most of my products have no boxes because they are damaged.

* Factory reject - It would be impossible to produce products without reject. Most company (factory) only achieve 99.8% yield (output) where 0.2% is rejected. e.g 99.8% x 1000000 = 998000 bottle. The rest is rejected (2000 bottle). Why they are rejected? maybe scratches, wrong branding, or etc. These rejects are not thrown away. They have their own vendor for disposal.

Have you guys went to jalan pasar? Did you found electronic devices there? they are not fake item but same way with the perfumes, rejected - for your guys info, there are many manufacturer for a brand of perfume. e.g EL pleasure, if you guys have some time just go and find out at the counters, you will see some are made in Switzerland and UK. Let say 2000 bottles from UK and 2000 bottles from Swiss are rejected. It will be enough for people like us to trade them. You may also compare perfumes with other products, adidas shirt. Last time they are made in US, but lately you will see they are made in Indo, China, Thailand, even Malaysia. Perfumes are also manufactured in many countries. - more example, have you guys went to carrefour wangsa maju? If not you may try to go there, you will find a levis booth. All are original levis which had been rejected, are they fake? NO, they are original. People have no doubt at all, but it had been sold with lower price as they are rejected.

* Expiry - After quite some times perfumes also will expired. Let say for 1 batch is valid for 8 month. If it wont be cleared it will be return to where it came from. (have you guys seen High 5, where people took back the expired buns? (same way with the perfumes). Then manufacturer will reduce the output base on the sale demand, but the different is perfumes is still in good condition even after the date line unlike buns which will have fungus grows on it. It only expired base on spec because they are not updated.

Another example are tyres, people always proud buying new tyres at so much lower price. But do they know that some tyres are sold at super low price because they are expired even they are unused. Just have a check at your tyres. You will see 4 numbers endorsed there. e.g 2305, meaning is the tyre is produced from year 2005 on the 23rd week of the year. We are not expert about tyres but let say the expiry is 1 year after manufactured. So some people will trade them at the lower price because they are expired. But they are not fake.

* The point is REJECTS ARE NOT FAKE. They are also original but the quality is lower. Not quality of the perfume but only bottles or boxes. WE SELLING WITHOUT BOX.THERE ARE NO REJECTED PERFUME COMING WITH BOX. ;)

(anatomi original rejected perfume)

Sekarang nie, sudah banyak kedai2 online yang menjual product original rejected, ibarat cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan, gamaknyer. So, dimana kita boleh carik TRUSTED online shop yang ada menjual original rejected perfume nie...saya suggestkan pada pembaca saya kedai online Comey iShop yang beroperasi sepanjang masa di lelaman social facebook.

(kedai online Malaysia yang beroperasi sepenuh masa di facebook)

Antara lambakan perfume orignal rejected yang ada di kedai online Comey iShop, kalo nak tengok stock dan brand lain-lain boleh la direct ke Comey iShop  di lelaman facebook.

Kebiasaannya, bila melibatkan pembelian secara atas talian, ia pasti melibatkan penghantaran secara pengeposankan. barang seperti minyak wangi yg mudah pecah tentu membuatkan para pembeli berasa takut nak beli.sbb takut pecah.. Jangan risau, masalah seumpama ini sudah sememangnya menjadi keutamaan bagi kedai atas talian seperti kedai Comey iShop. Pembungkusan nya juga telah dipastikan selamat baru di poskan kepada customer. Pengeposan juga dibuat pada setiap hari.Bukan saja bertujuan agar pelanggan dapat barang mereka cepat, tapi untuk memastikan risiko minyak wangi pecah dapat dikurangkan.

(cara pembungkusan pihak comey ishop, untuk memastikan minyak wangi sampai dalam keadaan selamat kepada pembeli)

Mungkin masih ramai yang was-was dengan keaslian minyak wangi original reject ini. Al-maklum sajalah, harganya juga tak jatuh dari RM100 dan keatas . Sebab itu antara cara paling selamat customer nak tahu peniaga itu benar2 menjual perfume original rejected adalah dengan melihat sendiri testimoni customer2 .


Sebenarnya apa yang macam BEST sangat membeli minyak wangi di Comey iShop nie..

- Paling best perfume yang dibeli boleh terus di UJI, TEST, CUBE, & TRY. kalo tak luak dan didapati tak original perfume boleh dikembalikan dan wang pembelian akan di refund 100%.

-Tawaran harga menarik :)

-Pembelian 100ml dan keatas dapat HADIAH MISTERI.

-Repeat Customer AUTOMATIK dapat DISCOUNT :)

- Promosi yang dijalan suke sajek giler2 murah.


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